Self-care: 5 tips to achieve more quality of life

International Women's Day is a date that gives visibility to the various struggles faced by feminism over the years. The search for gender equality in working conditions, for example, still continues, but it is a fact that many women have already conquered more space in the market thanks to this movement. However, most of them still have to deal with a tiring routine, which involves

7 recipes to enjoy food and save more!

There is no debate: the practice of enjoying food needs to be optimized urgently. And the reasons are diverse and essential for their quality of life and the sustainability of the planet. First, because this generates a greater accumulation of garbage in the environment and the excessive use of natural resources. Second, because you stop eating foods that are very good for your health. And still,

Goals for 2020: you can start with recycling!

We are producing more and more waste. According to an estimate from the World Bank, released at the meeting of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the volume of urban waste on the planet should reach 2,2 billion tons in 2025, against the current around 2 billion tons. . It is easy to imagine that, when discarded in dumps and sanitary landfills, as happens today in

Plastic film or aluminum foil. When to use each one?

The type of material is one of the first differences observed between aluminum foil and PVC stretch film – also popularly known as plastic film. Thus, their properties are different, which will determine the most appropriate application of these items in the preparation of recipes. This is the most important and tangible part for you, who buy the rolls ready-made. The leaves

3 New Year's Eve recipes to rock dessert

That time of year has arrived when you unpack the decorations to put up the Christmas tree and put blinkers on the windows at home. Many people take advantage of the holiday season to travel and miss loved ones. Preparations to celebrate with family and friends are already in full swing and, at this time, you cannot miss the

Plastic curiosities: from its creation to today

Have you ever noticed how plastic is a material present in many people's lives — and probably also in their daily lives? With a simple walk around your house, you will find the most diverse objects made from this material, such as food bowls, shower, sandals and toys. But despite being so familiar, do you know how he was created? And how does it impact

10 Tips to Avoid Tattoo Complications

Do you want to get a tattoo, but always hit that insecurity? Did you experience some setbacks when you did the first one and now you want to take more precautions? It is perfectly understandable that you, and many other people, have this fear. After all, we are talking about a permanent modification in the body. A cult art since Egypt, the tattoo consists of a subcutaneous application of pigments made through needles. So,