Black Friday is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated days of the year for retailers and consumers. The term originated in the United States and, currently, has been adopted in several countries, such as Brazil, Canada and Mexico. The expression is used as a reference to the season of trade discounts in various parts of the world. An interesting curiosity is that the date was not always

October 15th is Conscious Consumption Day! See Alpfilm's initiatives to support this idea!

This date was established by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) in 2009 with the aim of raising society's awareness of the social, economic, environmental and political problems caused by excessive production and consumption patterns, whether in the workplace, on a large scale. productive or in the routine of our homes. The concern with sustainability, clearly linked to conscious consumption, has always been a

Alpfilm Cycle Project: another Alpfilm initiative to take care of the future today! 

The sooner we understand that each material used in a product, accessories, equipment, etc., can act in the production of several other products, the sooner we will have the construction of a healthy and sustainable world. It was with this in mind that Alpfilm created the Alpfilm Cycle Project, a new social responsibility action that also includes environmental responsibility and our purpose of opening

Alpfilm in the kitchen! Come learn a new technique to keep herbs and spices longer in the freezer!

It's not uncommon to see that packet of spices purchased recently begin to turn dark before we have a chance to fully utilize them. This with ingredients like coriander, basil, rosemary and many others. There are several ways to store plants in the refrigerator to reduce food waste in the kitchen. So, follow the tutorial on how to freeze herbs and spices, with a

Whitening food: Learn about this practical freezing technique and save much more!

It's not uncommon to go to the supermarket and find one or another sale on a vegetable or vegetable, but end up buying little because you're afraid you won't be able to consume everything before it goes bad. Or the opposite happens, when you get carried away and buy too much, but then realize that you won't be able to prepare everything in time. In these cases, freezing is the perfect way to save and