National Animal Day – [#2676]

National Animal Day: our love for pets starts with recycling! Today, 14/3, Brazil celebrates the National Day of Animals. The objective is to make the population aware of the care of animals, whether domestic or wild. This is where the role of recycling comes in, a topic of paramount importance to Alpfilm! We know that plastics, when improperly discarded, are destined for the ocean

Revelry with Alpfilm!

See tips on how to enjoy the holiday with fun and protection while traveling or staying at home. Carnival is one of the main national dates, being the favorite of most Brazilians. With another pandemic period, we have the cancellation of the festivities, parades and shows that usually pack the revelry. But, don't be discouraged! We've put together a short list of tips for you to enjoy.

World Pulses Day

Understand the importance of these foods and check out consumption tips! The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations celebrates today (10/2) the World Pulses Day. The date draws attention to the potential of legumes, also known as pulses, in the fight against hunger, in the preservation of health and also in caring for the environment. Foods like chickpeas, peanuts and lentils are among the

Organized house! Planning the financial side and the organization of the Home.

How to organize household finances? 1. Have control over your finances Write it down in a list, it can be manually, in your notebook, personal agenda, or even in a spreadsheet of expenses, the way you want. The important thing is that in this list you put all your expenses: consumption bills: water, electricity, telephone, internet, food, fuel. Enter everything. Then write down all

Special recipe - Homemade Panettone

Christmas is coming. It's time to gather the family, socialize with friends and enjoy all that this time of year has to offer. Like Christmas dinner, for example. And how about putting next to those wonderful dishes a homemade panettone made by you? With that in mind, we've prepared a recipe that will make everyone's mouth water. Enjoy! REVENUE -

Understand once and for all: is plastic film recyclable?

The question of whether plastic film is recyclable is one of the most frequent among consumers. The reason for this is simple: despite being a plastic in common use, it has specific properties, such as its great flexibility. So, for you to understand better about your disposal, we prepared this article with several good tips! After all, is plastic film recyclable or not? The answer is yes! plastic film,